Meteorology Not Modelology™

Nadine Rapidly Moves Into The Belize Coast

Front Page
London, GB
4:00 pm, Feb 14, 2025
weather icon 42°C | °F
L: 41° H: 44°
scattered clouds
Humidity 59 %
Pressure 1024 hPa
Wind 10 mph ESE
Wind Gust Wind Gust: 0 mph
Precipitation Precipitation: 0 inch
Dew Point Dew Point: 0°
Clouds Clouds: 38%
Rain Chance Rain Chance: 0%
Snow Snow: 0
Visibility Visibility: 6 mi
Air Quality Air Quality:
Sunrise Sunrise: 7:16 am
Sunset Sunset: 5:13 pm

Nadine developed yesterday evening and is rapidly moving towards the Belize coast.  Nadine has deep convection developing around the low-level center of circulation and will have the potential to further stregthen into a strong tropical storm before making landfall this afternoon.  After landfall, the storm will continue to move through norther Guatemala and southern Mexico, dispiating by tomorrow morning.

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