Meteorology Not Modelology™

Kirk Expected To Become A Hurricane Tonight

Front Page
London, GB
2:29 pm, Feb 14, 2025
weather icon 42°C | °F
L: 41° H: 44°
broken clouds
Humidity 58 %
Pressure 1025 hPa
Wind 12 mph ESE
Wind Gust Wind Gust: 0 mph
Precipitation Precipitation: 0 inch
Dew Point Dew Point: 0°
Clouds Clouds: 51%
Rain Chance Rain Chance: 0%
Snow Snow: 0
Visibility Visibility: 6 mi
Air Quality Air Quality:
Sunrise Sunrise: 7:16 am
Sunset Sunset: 5:13 pm

Tropical Storm Kirk is a large storm with well-established outflow circulation and strong convection around the low-level circulation.  Kirk’s structure is vertically stacked and continues to grow in size.  Deep convection will continue to grow around the low-level center and support steady intensification.  Kirk is moving into a very favorable environment for steady intensification through this week.  In this time period, Kirk may become a powerful hurricane, possibly a category three major hurricane, by the end of the week.  However, a trough moving into the central Atlantic will cause Kirk to turn to the north and remain over the central Atlantic.  At this time, Kirk is not expected to be a threat to the United States.

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