Meteorology Not Modelology™

Helene Transitioning To Extratropical

Front Page
London, GB
7:35 pm, Feb 13, 2025
weather icon 38°C | °F
L: 37° H: 40°
overcast clouds
Humidity 72 %
Pressure 1024 hPa
Wind 9 mph ENE
Wind Gust Wind Gust: 0 mph
Precipitation Precipitation: 0 inch
Dew Point Dew Point: 0°
Clouds Clouds: 100%
Rain Chance Rain Chance: 0%
Snow Snow: 0
Visibility Visibility: 6 mi
Air Quality Air Quality:
Sunrise Sunrise: 7:18 am
Sunset Sunset: 5:11 pm

Helene is well on the way to transfer into an extratropical low-pressure system over northern Georgia as an upper-level low-pressure system absorbs the low-level low-pressure system.  Drier, cooler air is already diving into the western side of the storm, which is the signal that the warm-core structure is degrading and changing.  Helene will be fulling extratropical by tonight.  This is the last discussion on this storm.

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